Standard Constructed Wetland
A constructed wetland is an engineered wetland system that can be used to reduce peak flows and meet water quantity regulations. Constructed wetlands have the added benefit of removing a wide variety of pollutants through settling and vegetative filtering, providing wildlife habitat, and adding aesthetic value to a site.

Constructed wetlands diagram
Image Credit: AKRF, Inc., 2018
Considerations: The vegetation and biological processes of constructed wetlands are vulnerable to chemicals. Use of pesticides and herbicides upstream of the BMP should be avoided or used very cautiously.
Cost: Constructed wetlands generally cost more than other basins due to the high density of plant growth and excavation. However, plants in constructed wetlands require a less manicured approach than traditional landscape practices and can, therefore, cost less to maintain over the life of the system.
Maintenance: Constructed wetlands require regular inspection, maintenance of water levels, debris/sediment removal, and landscape services for vegetative areas.